Cash and Credit Card Gifts
You can make your credit card gift online by choosing one of the donation options. If you prefer to write a check, please make checks payable to St. Andrew’s School and mail to:
St. Andrew’s School Office of Advancement 601 Penn Waller Road Savannah, GA 31410
Gifts of Securities
For individuals wishing to make a gift of securities, the School recommends the following steps:
1. Please advise the business office at 912-897-4941 ext. 452 of your gift plans by phone or email so we can properly recognize the gift when the proceeds are received.
2. Have your broker electronically transfer stock directly to St. Andrew’s School. The School has a relationship with Merrill Lynch in Savannah and Sanford Bernstein in Boston. The account numbers and brokers may be learned by contacting our business office.

State Income Tax Redirection
The Georgia GOAL program allows Georgia Tax Payers to redirect a portion of their state income taxes each year to support scholarship dollars for deserving students to access private school education. At St. Andrew’s, GOAL recipients are students from public schools who have applied and been accepted based on their academic performance and personal motivation who cannot otherwise afford a St. Andrew’s education. Your participation allows for tax dollars to be redirected to the school in support of a select number of student’s tuition each year, expanding the impact of St. Andrew’s School to make a positive difference.

In-kind gifts are non-cash donations that are used to carry out our educational mission. Gifts-in-kind include books, music, computers, construction materials and much more.

Matching Gifts
You may have the opportunity to double or even triple the value of your gift. Many companies offer matching gift programs to their employees as part of the benefits package. Please contact your Human Resources Office to learn more about your company’s matching gift policy and to determine if you are eligible for a matching gift.

Planned Giving
Planned giving is a method of supporting the future of St. Andrew’s School through financial and estate planning. The generosity of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends will enable the school to plan now for future needs and ensure financial stability and a superior education for generations to come. Gifts of securities or life insurance, the creation of charitable remainder trusts and bequests are all vehicles of planned giving which benefit the school and leave a lasting legacy. Planned giving often offers tax benefits which can best be explained by a broker or tax advisor.

Pledge Payments
Another gift option is to pay a pledge at a later date or in a series of installments. Please contact our Director of Development at 912-897-4941 ext. 309 or email giving@saslions.com to set up a giving schedule that works for you.

Gifts in Honor or Memory
St. Andrew’s regularly receives donations in honor or memory of loved ones, classmates, and friends. Memorial gifts are given in memory of those who have gone before us. Honor gifts typically commemorate a special occasion, such as a birthday or anniversary.