For the most up-to-date information on Hurricane Ian in the Savannah-Chatham County area, visit the CEMA website at
The following information has been emailed to all St. Andrew’s families, staff and faculty.
September 28, 2022 1:20 p.m.
After receiving the most updated forecasts, St. Andrew’s will be closed on Thursday, September 29, and Friday, September 30, due to the potential risk of high winds and coastal flooding beginning tomorrow.
Once storm conditions pass us, we will assess the campus. We will plan to re-open with regular schedules and activities on Monday, October 3 so long as the campus has power and there are no safety concerns that may result from storm damage. If you receive no further updates, we will be reopening on Monday. Any updates over the weekend will be emailed as well as posted to the website and LMS.
All events and extracurricular activities impacted with this change will be rescheduled, and we will communicate those updates as soon as possible. We schedule in extra days each year to accommodate disruption. Therefore, we do not plan to change any previously scheduled holidays or breaks at this time. Should we have a more prolonged closure than anticipated, or further unexpected closures later this year, we will reassess potential make-up days.
Should you need anything while our campus is closed, please email your child’s division head, and we will try to respond in as timely a manner as possible. The safety of our students is always our highest priority. We hope all our St. Andrew’s families remain safe and we see minimal impacts to our area.
September 27, 2022 4:30 p.m.
We are closely monitoring Hurricane Ian and and its projected path up the Florida/Georgia coast. With the latest information provided by weather experts, forecasts predict the storm could have significant local impacts, such as tropical storm-force winds and storm surge.
At this time, based on the current forecast, campus will very likely be closed on Friday. We will continue to follow local and national weather reports and communicate our plans with you by mid-day tomorrow (Wednesday) regarding Thursday and a final decision for Friday. Decisions to cancel classes/school will be based on our priority of student safety, taking into account wind and coastal flooding advisories.
Please note that several athletic events for Thursday and Friday evening have already been rescheduled in anticipation of impacts from this storm. These updates can be found on the school and athletic calendars on the website. Any other changes to individual events or extracurriculars will be communicated by event and to participants through email.