Please stay connected with your alma mater by sharing news, updating contact information, or getting involved.
Scott Searcy, Alumni Coordinator
searcys@saslions.com | 912.897.4941, x. 424
The Distinguished Alumni Award honors alumni who through their service, leadership and achievements have distinguished themselves to St. Andrew’s School, their community or their profession. The alum should be a recognized leader within his/her chosen field and should reflect the ideals, standards and objectives of St. Andrew’s School.
Write a letter, no longer than one page, nominating the person. The letter may be signed by one or more individuals and should outline the major reasons why the nominee should receive the award. Send to the Advancement Office, St. Andrew’s School, 601 Penn Waller Road, Savannah, GA 31410. Nominations are accepted at any time of the year. The award is presented annually during fall homecoming.
Laura Brightwell ’84
Kenny Meyer ’78
Chris Gnann ’80
Karen Holloway Prevatt ’80
Amy Gaylor Nedriga ’91
Karen Helmly Oelschig ’84
Christian Howell ’94
David Costrini ’94
Lee Beckmann ’94
Philip Rucker ’02
Boo McCue Ramage ’80
Dale Holloway ’82
Windee Harden Helle ’91
Alex Allen ’12
Kaleb Scroggin ’08
Meghan Lowe ’03